Flatlogic Forum

Here you can browse and ask questions on our react, vue, angular, react native and bootstrap templates and admin dashboards. If you are facing trouble using our templates - feel free to raise your question here. Your participation is highly appreciated!

Fast auto redeploy

A quick redeploy feature to save time and increase efficiency. This would let you automatically update your live app with new changes right away without the usual wait. Imagine making a tweak ...

Fast documentation guide

Do you have a setup fast documentation guide somewhere I could follow to get it up and running?

Feedback to improve the user-experience

Hi! Came here from a post on LinkedIn - I think the Generator is pretty awesome and I have some feedback for you: 1. when I start out the web application generator, I have to immediately choose be...

Fitness Managment Application

I am wanting to createa fitness managment application for personal trainers so that the can keep track of their clients progress while also being able to communicate with them. I want the applicat...

Flatlogic Guest Post Program

Hello, I hope you are doing well. Guys, please agree on guest post topics, the ideal topic would be about something about email marketing. Also, do those pages have blog guidelines, what is the ...

For the generated and deployed apps, is the DB reachable from the internet?

Hello, I would like to know if the db of the app deployed by the generator can be reached from the general internet? Connection parameters are available in the settings section as I saw.

Free/Community version

So the idea is that we are going to create a free template for Flatlogic Generator that is going to be publicly available and community editable. The Free/Community version of the Flatlogic appl...

Front Deployment in Amplify hosting

We have deployed the front through AWS Amplify, however, the page is not displayed without throwing any explicit error (404) Could you please guide us if we need to do something additional or if...

Generate app/tempate from image

Transform image into editable designs

Generate Static Websites on Demand

The ability to generate static websites right from the Generator. By using predefined components, we could simply tell the Generator what we need, and it would build a website for us. This would...

Get it to work on IIS

So. I purchased the template and I have set the files into my IIS web directory. I am running IIS 10 on windows server 2019. I get the dashboard page to load, except for no map, no dropdown arrows ...


Hi, in readme file you say: $ git clone -o light-blue-html5 -b master --single-branch \ https://github.com/flatlogic/light-blue-html5.git MyApp however I get this error. fatal: reposito...

Github access pointless

How can you sell Github access to a project you are not maintaining. This project has dependency errors and uses components that are no longer available. You should not be charging for a piece of c...

Github broken, Documentation Broken

Hello. I'm very disappointed. I'm paying $100 and nothing is working. The documentation straight up doesn't work, GitHub says I don't have a sub even tho on the product page it said 3 months fre...

How can i implement the datetime picker - which files should i reference for that?

I am trying to do the forms-datetime picker. But it doesn't seem to work

How can I set an existing template on the hosting included in the Professional plan?

How can I set an existing template on the hosting included in the Professional plan? And how can I add some customization there with the help of AI?

How can I use the AI schema generator again?

I found a few small issues with the scheme and wanted to re-run the AI generator for it. I reset the scheme from settings and that worked but the button for "Design with AI" is missing. Is there ...

How does a JwtStrategy secret/key work?

I am trying to run 'npm run dev' on the backend of Bookkeeper but am getting an error message saying that JwtStrategy requires a secret or key. Where can I create/access and add this?

How do I achive that users of a generated application can only see recoreds they created?

Hello, any hints on how I can achieve that users of a generated application can only see records they created? I explicitly told the chatbot when creating the new application to consider it, and i...

How do i add a route to create a new user?

Hy guys, in sing app react template in UserTable List, i added a button to create a new user with a link to the user fofm (Add user) cant really figure where to add the route to /admin/users/new ?...

How do I book with a premium code?

I have a 100% promo code but I am not able to reedem it because the 3999$ subscription is above my card limit. How should I solve it?

How do I change the width of a table column?

I purchased React Material Admin Full and am using it.

How do I configure API Server?

I found the configuration in config.js.

How do I connect Frontend React to JavaBackend

Hi, Now I can start Sing App React Template frontend. But how can I connect to backend java, get list of order/products? Can you show me the configuration. Regards, Minh Nguyen

How do I delete Applications?

How do I delete Applications from my account?

How do I design my own forms

I want to design my own forms by drag and drop of text box, dropdown and all. Where can I do that?

How do I fix the deploy error, make a linked field compulsory, and upload a file

Hi guys, Please see this video for an explanation of my questions, which are: https://www.loom.com/share/71971f202be4430bac050d453eef75e8?sid=47777690-dcd9-4b8b-aed5-9e335b744668 1) How ...

How do I get expo to work with this starter kit?

I ran the following commands "yarn add expo" The project ran, but blank screen after that.

How do I get the bookkeeper backend up and running

I have followed the instructions in the Readme.md file. When I run the npm run migrate:run I get the following output. How do I proceed ?? ian@Pro42 bookkeeper-backend % npm run migrate:run...