Sing App React Template
This topic contains questions and answers related to Sing App React - react admin template built with the latest version of React. Two types of backends are currently supported: Node.js and Java. If you have trouble launching the project or have general questions feel free to post them here - this is the fastest way to receive a response.
Hello Sing App Lite ( is not on this site's solutions list. this is only on github. So i want to know Sing App Lite version is still valid free and MIT License. ...
How to integrate both front-end and back-end?
What are all the packages needed to run this template?
How do I Upgrade Node.js Version for Sing App React
I have recently acquired Sing App React with Node.js, and I'm interested in upgrading the Node.js version from 14 to 18. Is it possible to perform this upgrade?
How do i add a route to create a new user?
Hy guys, in sing app react template in UserTable List, i added a button to create a new user with a link to the user fofm (Add user) cant really figure where to add the route to /admin/users/new ?...
I can run the project by node version
Hi, I'm trying to run the project that I just bought a few minutes ago but, I don't know why I can't run it. I tried to find out the node version required but you'all don't have the engine defined ...