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React Native Templates

This topic contains questions and answers related to React Native Starter Mobile Template - mobile application template with tons of ready-made components and features. There is currently also free versions available. If you have trouble launching React Native Starter Mobile Template or have any feedback feel free to raise a question - this place is the fastest way to receive a response from our team or community.

Erro RNGestureHandlerModule

HI! I'm trying to run the test version of React Native Starter on Windows, but I'm getting this error: "TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating '_RNGestureHandlerModule.default.Direction') ...

Unable to launch the project on Windows. It's working fine on Mac.

I followed the instructions given in the documentation: https://docs.reactnativestarter.com. I'm getting the below error while launching on windows. Please help. info Launching emulator... er...

Bought full version, app still says Available in full version

I want to view the screens and really examine how things are done before full committing, to do this i bought the full version to poke around. But all the screens still give me Available in Full ve...

Cannot install on mac

Getting this error [!] Invalid Podfile file: undefined method `build_type' for #. from /Documents/react-native-starter/ios/Podfile:31 ------------------------------------------- us...

How do I get expo to work with this starter kit?

I ran the following commands "yarn add expo" The project ran, but blank screen after that.

Can't Use the React Native Template on my Mac

I've been having this issue with the template where I'm not able to run it on my iOS Devices, I get the error below. "No bundle URL present. Make sure you're running a packager server or have...

How to make new Project from Scratch

How to make new Project from Scratch ? using full version of React Native Starter. Can someone help me? cause when i bought there is no user manual. Thank you before.

Didn't receive the sketch file

Hi, I made the $69 purchase and I'm trying to get a .sketch file. The only thing sent to my email was a download link for the react-native start .zip

Edit MainTabNavigator.js for the bottom menu

hello, i want to show in the bottom menu of the application only home navigation and not everything in the tabNavigationData file, whenever i add something in tabNavigationData.js it shows also in ...

How to make Splash Screen

How to make Splash Screen using React Native Starter full license? cause i cannot see example splash screen. Can someone help me? Thank you before