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Bought full version, app still says Available in full version


I want to view the screens and really examine how things are done before full committing, to do this i bought the full version to poke around. But all the screens still give me Available in Full version.

Also $THEME_NAME=blue bash ./change-theme.sh does not work.

Is this product still even maintained frequently?

I also noticed there doesnt seem to be any Firebase integration, the promo made it sound like it it was plug and play...

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Philip Daineka mod

Dear Steven,

Could you please check your https://flatlogic.com/profile/purchases page to download the source code manually? Also, do you have access to https://github.com/flatlogic/react-native-starter-full? I see that you still have not accepted the invitation sent you automatically.



Hello Phillip,

That is where I downloaded from, and i dont see any pending invitation under my sloyer github account, I have no access to that repo you posted

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Amannazar Bakyyev

Hello Steven

Please use the provided link to access the full version and explore all the features. As for the theme change command, make sure you are using a BASH terminal to execute it successfully. As of now, we do not have an integration with Firebase in our product. I appreciate your interest in our product and we will take your feedback into consideration for future updates.


Hey there, the repo link 404s for me i do not have access to it.


Can a new request be sent to [email protected] or sloyer on GH

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Philip Daineka mod

Dear Steven,

The invitations have been sent! Though the invitation for sloyer is already pending
