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Unable to launch the project on Windows. It's working fine on Mac.


I followed the instructions given in the documentation: https://docs.reactnativestarter.com. I'm getting the below error while launching on windows. Please help.

info Launching emulator... error Failed to launch emulator. Reason: No emulators found as an output of emul ator -list-avds. warn Please launch an emulator manually or connect a device. Otherwise app may fa il to launch. info Installing the app... Starting a Gradle Daemon, 1 incompatible and 2 stopped Daemons could not be reuse d, use --status for details

error Failed to install the app. Make sure you have the Android development environment set up: https:/ /reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup. Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details. Error: Command failed: gradlew.bat app:installDebug -PreactNativeDevServerPort=8081

error Command failed with exit code 1. info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.


Hi, please start the emulator from your android studio, make sure that you have installed android api 28. To create virtual device go to tools AVD manager and create one also install required api


May your app be up and running smoothly!


It looks like you were facing some challenges launching your React Native project on Windows a couple of years ago. The error you described seems to be related to the Android development environment setup and issues with launching the emulator and installing the app. While the thread is from a while back, if you ever need affordable Windows 10 keys, you might find insights from this cheap windows 10 keys https://www.reddit.com/r/cheapwindowskeys/comments/wjvsae/cheap_windows_keys/ Reddit thread useful. Having access to budget-friendly options is always helpful. Hoping you were able to resolve your React Native project issue and that your coding journey has been smooth since then!

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It works perfectly if I create a new geometry dash lite project on my Mac. But the issue CS0116 namespace cannot directly contain members like as fields or methods appears when copying a.net core project from Windows to Mac.

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I found this post to be extremely helpful, Thank you. I have high hopes that you will keep producing articles of such high quality.


Use debugging tools and integrated development environment (IDE) features to step through the code and identify the point where the issue occurs. If you're still unable to resolve the issue after trying these steps, consider reaching out to the project's community or support channels for more specific assistance. Provide detailed information about the problem and any error messages you're encountering to facilitate a quicker resolution.

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Nevertheless, each of the attempts will be illustrated in one specific color without revealing flagle today answer


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The error you are encountering seems to be related to launching the emulator and installing the app on Windows. Make sure you have set up the Android development environment correctly. You can check the provided links for detailed instructions on setting up the environment and try running the CLI with the --verbose flag for more information.


It is recommended to use the LTS (Long-Term Support) version of Node.js for production applications. As of now, the LTS version is Node.js 14.x. This version is stable and will receive updates for an extended period, ensuring better support and maintenance for your application. However, you can always check the Node.js website for the latest LTS version available when setting up your project.

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Thank you User-111756! Feel free to ask any questions. We are happy to help.