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Flatlogic Guest Post Program

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Hello, I hope you are doing well.

Guys, please agree on guest post topics, the ideal topic would be about something about email marketing. Also, do those pages have blog guidelines, what is the number of backlinks we can include to each post, deadlines, etc.

Article publishing price?

I am waiting for your response.

Best regards Suresh

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Hello, I hope you are doing well.

Guys, please agree on guest post topics, the ideal topic would be about something about email marketing. Also, do those pages have blog guidelines, what is the number of backlinks we can include to each post, deadlines, etc.

Article publishing price?

I am waiting for your response.

Best regards Ankit

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My name is Alesia Sirotka, and I'm the marketing manager at Flatlogic.

The process of submitting a guest post to Flatlogic is very simple:

  • Read our submission rules (Submission Rules: https://flatlogic.com/blog/submit-a-guest-post/)
  • Choose a topic from the list of accepted topics (See in Article Guideline) - We accept ONLY OUR topics;
  • Write your article according to the guideline (Article Guideline: https://docs.google.com/document/d/156Hh2A9Fi-_i1gJ7mBi6LNj4aWwI-5OiCb-a2kadck4/edit ).

That’s it! Submit it back to me - [email protected]

Also, we inform you that we are checking articles for uniqueness and human content. And only approve those where these criteria are more than 90%. Publishing is for free if you follow ALL our rules. Also, after submitting your article, you must repost it with some summary and mention @flatlogic on your social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit). The post will be deleted if you do not repost it on your social networks.

We do not accept any links that are restricted by Google, including those related to casinos and gambling. We also do not work with link builders. Any attempts to sell such services or to leave a comment on our blog page will result in your email and company being permanently blocked on our platform. We strive to maintain a safe community and hope you will understand and respect these rules.

If you are interested in writing a guest post, please follow the steps outlined in the guide and return to us with your proposed topic and previous articles. If you attempt to cheat at any point in the communication process, our conversation will be terminated permanently. We hope that following these guidelines will be a mutually beneficial opportunity for both of us.

Best Regards,

Alesia Sirotka Flatlogic Team.