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Flatlogic Forum

Here you can browse and ask questions on our react, vue, angular, react native and bootstrap templates and admin dashboards. If you are facing trouble using our templates - feel free to raise your question here. Your participation is highly appreciated!

How do I host the frontend on Heroku ?

I uploaded all the files to GitHub and linked it to the Heroku which I deployed successfully. But after going to the link I only see a blank page. No any errors. Locally my application runs withou...

How do I host the frontend on Heroku ?

I uploaded all the files to GitHub and linked it to the Heroku which I deployed successfully. But after going to the link I only see a blank page. No any errors. Locally my application runs without...

How do I implement Microsoft login with MSAL?

I'm completely stuck trying to get a MSAL based Microsoft login system to work (possibly don't know enough about React).... On the pages/auth/Auth.js page I've got <MsalProvider instance={msa...

How do i install laravel backend

Hi! I have bought the "Vue Material Laravel Template" and in my purchases-list i found a download link. behind that, i can download the "material-vue-full-v1.0.8" archive. in the documentation i ...

How do i install laravel backend ? : Vue Material Laravel Template

I think I ran into the same problem as Steppenwulf99. * https://flatlogic.com/forum/threads/how-do-i-install-laravel-backend I have bought the "Vue Material Laravel Template" Where an...

How do I install my "material-vue-full-1.0.6" in a Laravel project

I have bought the "material-vue-full-1.0.6" template, I want to know how i can make it a laravel project or use it as a laravel project!

How do i search poeple in table list?

Hy, i have a table with 400 poeple showing as 10 poeple on the page. When i search for someone it is searching only in those 10 poeple in the page. How can modify the search to show me the person i...

How do i searh poeple in the table list?

Hy, i have a table with 400 poeple showing as 10 poeple on the page. When i search for someone it is searching only in those 10 poeple in the page. How can modify the search to show me the person...

How do i send a file through api

After creating the database and generated the backend...etc the api documentation doesn't show how to send a file to the api since the api only take raw json data, there is no way to send ima...

How do I start Sing App React?

Trying to start the sing app react, but after I type yarn start - nothing happens. Please help me asap!

How do I start the project?

I had so many problems trying to run the project, the dependecies are out of date. If I just run "yarn start" I get the following message: -------------------------------------------------- ....

How do I Upgrade Node.js Version for Sing App React

I have recently acquired Sing App React with Node.js, and I'm interested in upgrading the Node.js version from 14 to 18. Is it possible to perform this upgrade?

how do i use react & graphql & postgresql in my project?

I want to use React & Graphql & postgresql in my project, can your application be used and able to do this?

How do people verify emails?

When I create an account, an email is sent to verify email. However, when clicking on the link, it takes me to the register page, and the user is not verified. How can we verify user?

How do you reset project to the schema and code you begin with?

I want to reset to the default state the project was initialized with. I pressed the hard reset button base on its description, but only realized afterwards that the hard reset button dropped the s...

How I download the backend of the Full React Material Admin Template

I just bought the Full React Material Admin Template. I was able to download and run the front-end code, but don't find how to download / run the backend.

How to access Preview and Documentation?

Links to Preview and Documentation are not working :-(

How to change fonts?

I want to change all fonts, where can I do it?

How to delete an app or at least release the Premium license attach

My license has N number of license slots. I added one app to this slot and upgraded that app to premium. I tested this template for a while and did not like it. Now I need to discard this app, beca...

How to install action/auth module

I just got the Light blue react template. I have the latest node version. However, when I run npm install, there are many deprecated packages or modules. I use legacy-peer-deps. However, after i...

How to Integrate a Flatlogic App from GitHub into an new Project?

Hi everyone! I have a question about integrating an application from GitHub into an existing project. I'm using an application generated by Flatlogic, but it was created in a different project. ...

How to integrate both front-end and back-end?

What are all the packages needed to run this template?

How to integrate in Symfony

Hello, I'm trying to integrate the SingApp-Vu- template in Symfony. I was able to configure everything with webpack. The template is running. But I need to show the content section generate...

how to link to github account

You have no access to Github repo. i need to link my github repo

How to make browser remember login username and password

Hi Flaglogic support, I modified the form in Login.vue for calling my auth api and getting a JWT token. The login process is fine but browser does not remember form password. In my previous vue ...

how to make my side bar responsive

hello , i want to open and close the side bar with a button and not being fixed like this way . thank you

How to make new Project from Scratch

How to make new Project from Scratch ? using full version of React Native Starter. Can someone help me? cause when i bought there is no user manual. Thank you before.

How to make Splash Screen

How to make Splash Screen using React Native Starter full license? cause i cannot see example splash screen. Can someone help me? Thank you before

How to make this app work ? Getting error while running yarn install command : Could not load the Visual C++ component "VCBuild.exe

yarn install v1.22.10 [1/4] Resolving packages... [2/4] Fetching packages... info [email protected]: The platform "win32" is incompatible with this module. info "[email protected]" is an optional dep...

How to Master Flow Control with Angular 17's Declarative Techniques?

Angular 17 is recently going to get released on November 6 - 2023. So I wanted to know a bit about the workflow control and its advantages