Flatlogic Forum

Here you can browse and ask questions on our react, vue, angular, react native and bootstrap templates and admin dashboards. If you are facing trouble using our templates - feel free to raise your question here. Your participation is highly appreciated!

Add Event Calendar- Start/End time date picker not showing time

When you click on add event on calendar and sidebar pops up, you cannot change the time for Start Date and End Date. I looked at code and the Flatpickr seems to have time enabled, but still time is...

Add AWS hosting

There's a conversation starting about bringing AWS hosting options into the Flatlogic Generator environment. This idea aims to offer users an easy and straightforward way to deploy their applicatio...

Acctivate Lavarel backend

I requested the activation of the Laravel backend for my account 2.5 days ago via email. As it has not yet been activated, and I have good experience with the quick reaction to entries here, I'...

404 after add new item in menu

Hello, I cleaned the theme, no problem that's work I added few items in the menu but when I click on it I get a 404. I compared with the original theme but to me all are ok in ; module defini...