Flatlogic Forum
Here you can browse and ask questions on our react, vue, angular, react native and bootstrap templates and admin dashboards. If you are facing trouble using our templates - feel free to raise your question here. Your participation is highly appreciated!
Did a New User Registration and tried loggign in using the same credentials which throwed an error stating something is wrong . how to rectify this
Can´t find the category for the node.js backend. I set up the backend as described in the readme. With a little bit trouble with the postgres part everything should be fine now, but i am receivi...
I can't call post api in postman.
I can call in swagger but can't call in postman or in my code. Do you have any restrict to use this platform?
How to Integrate a Flatlogic App from GitHub into an new Project?
Hi everyone! I have a question about integrating an application from GitHub into an existing project. I'm using an application generated by Flatlogic, but it was created in a different project. ...
For the generated and deployed apps, is the DB reachable from the internet?
Hello, I would like to know if the db of the app deployed by the generator can be reached from the general internet? Connection parameters are available in the settings section as I saw.
In the specification section of an application the order of messages is incorrect
In the specification section of an application, the order of messages is incorrect. They seem to be mixed randomly. Pls. fix by occasion and let us know once it's fixed.
How do I achive that users of a generated application can only see recoreds they created?
Hello, any hints on how I can achieve that users of a generated application can only see records they created? I explicitly told the chatbot when creating the new application to consider it, and i...
New forms are not created when schema is adjusted and redeployed
Hi, so I have an unfortunate issue that is affecting my workflow. I was expect that if I add new entities and re-deploy the app that the client forms would be created for the new entities - but it ...
Integrate AI-chat on the Description Page
We're exploring the possibility of enhancing user interaction within Flatlogic Generator by integrating an AI-powered chat feature on the Description page. This improvement aims to simplify the pro...
How do I book with a premium code?
I have a 100% promo code but I am not able to reedem it because the 3999$ subscription is above my card limit. How should I solve it?
why is created_by not available for use in our table schemas
Hey, I'm just creating a schema and tried to add a created_by field to my table, but I received a message that created_by is already in use, as per the screenshot. . Is it PostGRESQL or MySQL? How will I be able to make changes in the database? Note that I have access to GitHub Repositor...
While purchasing I was shown that I'll get 3 month access to GitHub repository. But after purchasing it asks for extra dollars for connecting with GitHub as well as accessing official GitHub reposi...
How will I be able to deploy my application?
How can I deploy this application, the documentation doesn't provide the exact steps. Also, I have downloaded the frontend+backend code. But how will I connect and access database with it? If a...
How do i install laravel backend
Hi! I have bought the "Vue Material Laravel Template" and in my purchases-list i found a download link. behind that, i can download the "material-vue-full-v1.0.8" archive. in the documentation i ...
Documentation for NodeJS backend gives a 404 error https://github.com/flatlogic/nodejs-backend
Can i use this template for Java backend
I can see the available template "REACT MATERIAL UI ADMIN NODE.JS " is with node JS backend. Whereas I already have Java backend ready with me, just I need a React front end for my application
The image when clicked in Gallery page is not changed when sorted
The image when clicked in Gallery page is not changed when sorted by either descending. For example Picture A becomes last picture when sorted. When i click the first picture, It still shows Pictur...
hy, i've managed to install and run sing app react with node.js backend on a mysql db:)). i cand register from the front-end form just fine even with google account. My question is, on the User...
Available Open-Source Licensing
Are you willing to license the open-source "Angular Material Admin" repository under an MIT license? https://github.com/flatlogic/angular-material-admin If not are there other open-source lice...