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Sing App Angular Template

This topic contains questions and answers related to Sing App Angular - admin template made with Angular and Bootstrap 4. Two types of backends are currently supported: Node.js and .NET Core 3. If you have trouble launching the project or have general questions feel free to post them here - this is the fastest way to receive a response.

upgrade the app and modules or move to another system

Hello, I am currently managing a Sing App (version 3.2.0) running on Python 2.7, hosted on an old Ubuntu 16.04 system. This setup was left by the previous technical team without any upgrades. ...

Sing App Angular Template & .NET Core 3

Hi flatlogic support team, I've purchased an additional .NET Core 3, how can I use it for the template.

Could not start the sing-app-angular template

Hi flatlogic support team, I've bought your template { https://github.com/flatlogic/sing-app-angular }, I installed the template exactly like mentioned on the README.md file, The PROBLEM is that...