Sing App Angular Node.js Angular Admin Dashboard Template with Node.JS Backend

Originally a premium product priced at $99+, made available for free in January 2025! 🎉
Sing App Angular Template with Node.js Backend is a ready-to-use admin dashboard built with Angular 14 and integrated with PostgreSQL database. Authentication, theme support, CRUD application and product management pages are already developed and can be deployed right out of the box. Sing App Angular Template is a great start to build dashboards, E-Commerce platforms, analytics systems and other SAAS applications.
- Hundreds of Pages
- Node.js & PostgreSQL integrated
- Fully Responsive
- Angular 14 new
- CRUD Application nodejs
- Theme Support
- E-Commerce Section
- Static & Hover Sidebar
- Fully Documented Codebase
- Authentication system


UI Elements
- Outline Buttons
- Rounded Buttons
- Block Buttons
- Disabled Buttons
- Button Groups
- Button Dropdowns
- Button Checkboxes
- Button Radios
- Buttons with Icons