Team Productivity Articles on Flatlogic Blog

5+ Secrets Time Estimation Hints in Project Management

Understanding time estimation techniques is vital for successful project management, ensuring precise and valuable forecasts for your team.

by Alesia Sirotka • 15 min read

25 Best Developer Productivity Tools & Apps in 2023

Here are the 25 best developer productivity tools you can use in 2023 and beyond to increase your productivity and coding efficiency.

by Artsiom Baranouski • 5 min read

7 Top Tips for Successful Software Product Marketing

As the creator of your software product, you will know its features better than anyone else. But looking at it as your project is not the same as seeing it as a marketable product. You need to know its marketable features and user benefits, as well as any weaknesses to work on later down the line.

by Alina Kisliuk • 5 min read

What are the top skills required to become an iOS developer in 2022?

Given that iOS application development company are growing, opting for the profession of iOS developer will be highly profitable. Are you curious about what skills you might need to be an iOS developer? This article will provide you with detailed information about all the technical and soft skills that you need to learn.

by Artsiom Baranouski • 5 min read

How to Improve Developer Productivity? [Guide]

How to improve developer productivity - 10 tips for all. Measuring productivity, creation of optimal environment, self-development, DRY and KISS principles and importance of code reviews.

by Ekaterina Podgaiskaya • 12 min read