Flatlogic Forum
Here you can browse and ask questions on our react, vue, angular, react native and bootstrap templates and admin dashboards. If you are facing trouble using our templates - feel free to raise your question here. Your participation is highly appreciated!
I want to start a new project with "create-react-app" command, how can I import all style files (sass, static files..) to have right UI
Purchasing with Node.js backend
Hi, just checking to see that if I purchase with Node.js backend, I have user creation, authorization etc already pre configured. Or if I could just have a rundown of exactly what is meant by the b...
Great Work. All flat logic templates are awesome. Typescript version is available??
I already extend support but the download link keep showing incorrect download link.
Deprecated Libraries in the Template
I found that few library are deprecated or no longer support with latest version of NodeJS ( 14v ) , this is causing serious deployment issues and can cause severe security issues as well. Unfortun...
I purchased the Sing app React template but I'm unable to run it, I get the following error: ./src/styles/theme.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-5-1!./node_modules/pos...
Hello, I'm trying to integrate the SingApp-Vu- template in Symfony. I was able to configure everything with webpack. The template is running. But I need to show the content section generate...
No luck installing template with npm install or yarn install
Hi, Just purchased this template. No luck with install. Tried deleting the package-lock.json before installing as well. tried npm install and yarn install. with yarn install, getting: [...
Invoicing, Income & Expense Tracking
Hi, Is it possible to see the following; - Invoicing UX - Income & Expense Tracking UX
Support for the experimental syntax 'optionalChaining' isn't currently enabled (87:42): I tried installing @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining. Still having the same error
Multiple Tracking Prevention blocked access to storage
Hi, I received multiple tracking prevention blocked access to storage error messages when running locally. I tried in edge and firefox browsers, both giving the same error. The website will load ex...
I want to access the github repository
I wonder if the supplied front end and back end are working properly. I bought the front end and back end, but is there no back end description document? The link you provide is not accessible a...
how to make my side bar responsive
hello , i want to open and close the side bar with a button and not being fixed like this way . thank you
I want to know how to debug frontend and backend.
I bought frontend and backend. I want to know how to debug frontend and backend with vscode.
How do I connect Frontend React to JavaBackend
Hi, Now I can start Sing App React Template frontend. But how can I connect to backend java, get list of order/products? Can you show me the configuration. Regards, Minh Nguyen
Hi, I just bough Sing-App-React-Java. I could not start the client. I don't know how to raise ticket. So I post here. Please help. Regards, Minh Nguyen
In the flat login sing app template I found that few library are deprecated or no longer support with latest version of NodeJS ( 14v ) , this may cause severe security issue below are the few libr...
Hello, I get the code from GitHub, installed latest version of Angular and Yarn. I get the packages no problem. But when I do a 'yarn start' I get this error below (error1). Then I take the .zip...
Hello, Is it possible to get a 'Starter-Project' means the global structure some items in the menu like 'Dashboard' a 'Blank page' znd not all the rest ? To avoid to take time and time to clean ...
Can yarn build but when open build/index.html show blank page
I try to change "homepage" : "." but nothing happens. I running on ubuntu 20.04
Github broken, Documentation Broken
Hello. I'm very disappointed. I'm paying $100 and nothing is working. The documentation straight up doesn't work, GitHub says I don't have a sub even tho on the product page it said 3 months fre...
How to make browser remember login username and password
Hi Flaglogic support, I modified the form in Login.vue for calling my auth api and getting a JWT token. The login process is fine but browser does not remember form password. In my previous vue ...
How do I install my "material-vue-full-1.0.6" in a Laravel project
I have bought the "material-vue-full-1.0.6" template, I want to know how i can make it a laravel project or use it as a laravel project!
React Template: Hooks or Classes?
What was used in React template, Hooks or Classes?
Failed to resolve dependency 'enzyme-adapter-react-16@*' (npm exited with non-zero code: 1) PLEASE HELP TO SOLVE THIS ERROR
Hi, I would like to use REACT HOOKs (useSelector, useStore, ...). But I get an error. `Error: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This coul...
I did not recieve a .sketch file
I made the $99 purchase and I'm trying to get a .sketch file. The only thing sent to my email was a download link for the react-native start .zip
Hello, I bought the Light Blue template (developer and backend option). When I follow the README.md from the backend I get this error: `$ yarn reset` `yarn run v1.22.10` `$ cross-env n...
Problem with icons on template Sing App Vue
In the sidebar I have difficulties in placing other icons and I do not have access to a list of all available icons. When I try to investigate or have the list of icons from flaticon and I do, the...