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Deprecated Libraries in the Template


I found that few library are deprecated or no longer support with latest version of NodeJS ( 14v ) , this is causing serious deployment issues and can cause severe security issues as well. Unfortunately, we cant use the latest versin of Node. This is a major concern.

Are you guys planning on updating to the latest version of NodeJS (14v)?



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Hi, Belgusinc!

About a week ago, we updated most of the dependencies and are gradually continuing to work in that direction.

Thanks for feedback.


Ho do I download the new version of the template? I currently have 8.2.4 downloaded on April 26th so if you guys updated the dependencies around Mid May, I should be able to download a new version.

How do I find it? There is no link and I did not get an email. Also, when I log into my account, it says that "You have no access to Github repo." even though I have purchased the developers version.

Can you help me with this?



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Eugene Stepnov

Hi Alex,

Could you please send us info on when you have purchased our product?

Best, Eugene


Hi Eugene,

I purchased the developers license on Timestamp: 2021-04-28 04:07:07 UTC under [email protected]

I can send you confirmation email and license key if you can provide me an email.



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Could you please send us your GitHub username, we will add you to the repo of the Sing App react template?

Best regards,


My user name is




Hi Eugene,

Ho do I download the new version of the template? I currently have 8.2.4 dev version downloaded on April 26th so if you guys updated the dependencies around Mid May, I should be able to download a new version.

I noticed that in Github, your latest update for the Sing App is on Oct 26, 2020.

I was told the repositories have been updated recently.



Hi Eugene,

Can you please help me with my prior question?



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Hi Manuel,

Yes, you have the access to the repositories. I have sent you an invite a few days ago and I see that you have access to the Sing App React. The latest update is 8.2.4. So GitHub will notify you about the update if we will release it.

Meanwhile, if you have any issues, please let us know, we will try to help you!

Best Regards, Eugene