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Flatlogic Forum

Here you can browse and ask questions on our react, vue, angular, react native and bootstrap templates and admin dashboards. If you are facing trouble using our templates - feel free to raise your question here. Your participation is highly appreciated!

The image when clicked in Gallery page is not changed when sorted

The image when clicked in Gallery page is not changed when sorted by either descending. For example Picture A becomes last picture when sorted. When i click the first picture, It still shows Pictur...

On profile page there is no way to change profile pic

On the edit profile page there is no option to change the profile pic

User management page

hy, i've managed to install and run sing app react with node.js backend on a mysql db:)). i cand register from the front-end form just fine even with google account. My question is, on the User...

How do I host the frontend on Heroku ?

I uploaded all the files to GitHub and linked it to the Heroku which I deployed successfully. But after going to the link I only see a blank page. No any errors. Locally my application runs withou...

How do I host the frontend on Heroku ?

I uploaded all the files to GitHub and linked it to the Heroku which I deployed successfully. But after going to the link I only see a blank page. No any errors. Locally my application runs without...

How do I start the project?

I had so many problems trying to run the project, the dependecies are out of date. If I just run "yarn start" I get the following message: -------------------------------------------------- ....

Yarn install dependencies out of date. Paid $99

This starter needs too much work. The dependecies are out of date. Updating causing problems. Simulator versions for IOS have to be updated. Bash theme selection doesnt work React native error...

License question

I want to build one project with these SingApp Template on a single domain. (Do not intend to develop multiple project or services) Is this a persona license or a developer license ? Do I get th...

Most dependencies are deprecated and don't work with nodejs 16

Good day. I am running node version 16 on my machine and when trying to install dependencies in both the frontend and backend, almost all of the are deprecated. I tried installing their current ver...

How can i implement the datetime picker - which files should i reference for that?

I am trying to do the forms-datetime picker. But it doesn't seem to work

Available Open-Source Licensing

Are you willing to license the open-source "Angular Material Admin" repository under an MIT license? https://github.com/flatlogic/angular-material-admin If not are there other open-source lice...

Unable to set up the code

We are unable to set up the code login is not working Something went wrong RepositoryNotFoundError: No repository for "Users" was found. Looks like this entity is not registered in current "defau...

How do I implement Microsoft login with MSAL?

I'm completely stuck trying to get a MSAL based Microsoft login system to work (possibly don't know enough about React).... On the pages/auth/Auth.js page I've got <MsalProvider instance={msa...

UI Issues

We have updated angular version (12.1.1) after upgrade we have two issues in the UI Template. 1. API Calling Issue When we tried to call the API from the template, it gave "Invalid URL DOM...

D3 Chart Example

Has anybody got an example of adding a D3 chart to the light blue react template? I know that D3 is included but there doesn't seem to be anything in the documentation around how to use it?

Edit MainTabNavigator.js for the bottom menu

hello, i want to show in the bottom menu of the application only home navigation and not everything in the tabNavigationData file, whenever i add something in tabNavigationData.js it shows also in ...

Get it to work on IIS

So. I purchased the template and I have set the files into my IIS web directory. I am running IIS 10 on windows server 2019. I get the dashboard page to load, except for no map, no dropdown arrows ...

Impossible to do an http request from the template

Hello, Something make me crazy. The code I give is wotking in a sample project but not when the same code is implemented in the template. I get this error : core.js:6210 ERROR Error Code: u...

Purchasing the bundle

Hi, im currently trying to purchase the bundle. I am located in Brazil and am having difficulty as it seems the website does not accept my card (I have tried 2 + Brasilian Paypal). Is there an alte...

import style files

I want to start a new project with "create-react-app" command, how can I import all style files (sass, static files..) to have right UI

Sidebar Icon

Icon on sidebar, it has three kind of SVG icon. how can I do like that?

Purchasing with Node.js backend

Hi, just checking to see that if I purchase with Node.js backend, I have user creation, authorization etc already pre configured. Or if I could just have a rundown of exactly what is meant by the b...

Typescript Version

Great Work. All flat logic templates are awesome. Typescript version is available??

Incorrect download link

I already extend support but the download link keep showing incorrect download link.

Deprecated Libraries in the Template

I found that few library are deprecated or no longer support with latest version of NodeJS ( 14v ) , this is causing serious deployment issues and can cause severe security issues as well. Unfortun...

Node Sass Problem

I purchased the Sing app React template but I'm unable to run it, I get the following error: ./src/styles/theme.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-5-1!./node_modules/pos...

How to integrate in Symfony

Hello, I'm trying to integrate the SingApp-Vu- template in Symfony. I was able to configure everything with webpack. The template is running. But I need to show the content section generate...

No luck installing template with npm install or yarn install

Hi, Just purchased this template. No luck with install. Tried deleting the package-lock.json before installing as well. tried npm install and yarn install. with yarn install, getting: [...

Invoicing, Income & Expense Tracking

Hi, Is it possible to see the following; - Invoicing UX - Income & Expense Tracking UX