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Flatlogic Generator Articles on Flatlogic Blog

Exploring the features and benefits of the Flatlogic Generator, an AI-powered platform for creating business software applications.

7 Top Tips for Successful Software Product Marketing

As the creator of your software product, you will know its features better than anyone else. But looking at it as your project is not the same as seeing it as a marketable product. You need to know its marketable features and user benefits, as well as any weaknesses to work on later down the line.

by Alina Kisliuk • 5 min read

Top SaaS App Boilerplates

SaaS Boilerplates allow technical managers, start-up founders, and developers by focusing on what makes their product unique, instead of implementing things like authentication subscriptions and other generic features.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

Introducing Template Widgets for Flatlogic Platform

Introducing Template Widgets for the Flatlogic full-stack web application generator.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

What is the rapid development model?

James Martin introduced RAD as an alternative to hard waterfall techniques in 1991. Construction and many other businesses where changes in project scope are expensive and uncommon benefit greatly from the traditional waterfall methodology. It is improbable that a bridge will be replaced with a ferry midway through construction.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

Top 10+ most dead-easy ways to make a web app

There are several aspects and variables that might affect your choice when it comes to designing web apps without using code, and eventually, your wants and objectives will determine who the best web application developer is. In this article, we will show you the most popular web application generators.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

10+ Best code generation tools [Solutions Guide]

We'd like to share with you some not so well-known, but valuable code-generation tools in this article.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

Quick Admin Panel alternative. Flatlogic Web Application Generator versus Quickadminpanel

In this article we review Quick Admin Panel alternative while creating Laravel CRUD apps. It is called Flatlogic Web Application Generator!

by Eugene Stepnov • 9 min read

Top 9+ node.js templates and dashboards

We reviewed top node.js templates that allows you to create full-stack web apps with ease.

by Alesia Sirotka • 7 min read

Introducing new Flatlogic Platform pricing plans

Flatlogic team excited to announce our new pricing plan! Pricing changes are always tough but we do believe that this new structure will be more aligned with how people use our products—and that it’s more sustainable long term for us as well. We want to continue building great products that help people grow their businesses while being fair to everyone involved.

by Philip Daineka • 2 min read

Flatlogic Platform Update: Reset Functionality

Flatlogic Platform now offers the possibility to Reset your project!

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read