Web App Development Articles on Flatlogic Blog

Comprehensive guide on developing web applications, covering processes from idea generation to deployment.

How to build a web app. A complete guide

In this article we will guide you on how to create a web app in 2022 with different approaches. From Idea to launching!

by Alesia Sirotka • 14 min read

Is React a Framework? Interview with Software Engineers [FAQ]

In this article we will think about React as a framework with Flatlogic's team.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

12+ Best Node.js Frameworks for Web App Development in 2023

Flatlogic's review of 12 best Node.js frameworks to build a full-stack modern web application in 2023

by Alesia Sirotka • 11 min read

Caching NextJS Apps with Serverless Redis using Upstash

This article performed by Flatlogic team will help you in creating caching Nextjs apps with Upstash. Check it out!

by Ishan Manandhar • 5 min read

10+ Best Ways to Deploy React App

This article is about the best ways to deploy react or web app

by Eugene Stepnov • 5 min read

6+ React Project Ideas to Help You Learn by Doing

Check out the list of React project ideas that you can build with ease. Master your coding skills and build a profitable portfolio!

by Nastassia Ovchinnikova • 12 min read

What is Webpack?

Webpack is a module bundler for compiling JavaScript modules like fonts, images, CSS and HTML files, and more. This articles gives a detailed analysis of how to use Webpack and what factors to take into account.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

What is Angular?

Angular is a client-side, open-source JS framework. It's a popular solution for front-end development following the MVC, or Model-view-controller architecture.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

What is React?

React is a JavaScript library often credited for its scalability and simple, strict logic. In this article we're detailing the pros, the cons, and the best practices of React development.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

Best 10+ Headless CMS in 2024 – Comprehensive Guide

In this article we review best headless cms on the market and learn what is the headless cms.

by Eugene Stepnov • 9 min read