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React Native Articles on Flatlogic Blog

Articles about React Native – a native version of the popular web library React.js

Updated Version of React Native Starter

We're excited to announce that we just released an updated version 4.2 of React Native Starter from Flatlogic!

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

ABA Schedules: Scheduling CRM System

ABA Schedules is a US-based mobile application designed to help businesses maximize efficiency and productivity in employee scheduling.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

Goaltivity: Goal Achievement Mobile App – New Flatlogics Case Study!

Goaltivity is a goal-setting and achievement US-based mobile application, that has officially launched to help people reach their goals.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

How to Improve the Performance of a React Native App?

You’re convinced that the React Native framework is a big deal. However, before you go and hire a React Native developer to build your app, read this article.  In the next five minutes, the article will discuss 7 ways to improve the performance of a React Native app.

by Artsiom Baranouski • 5 min read

Top 10+ Best React Native UI Components for Mobile App Development

React Native UI components are a key part of mobile app development and can help developers create stunning mobile apps that are user-friendly and responsive. These components can help make development faster and easier, and provide developers with a range of features and benefits.

by Alesia Sirotka • 25 min read

Top 14+ React Native UI Component Libraries [2024 Editors’ Choice]

In this article, we will share a list of the best free React Native UI Kits, which designers and React Native developers can use to jumpstart the design & development of their next mobile project.

by Philip Daineka • 9 min read

Top 12+ React Datepickers to Use in 2024

Here is a full React datepicker review for web developers. Check out our range and pick your date or time picker here.

by Katarina Harbuzava • 10 min read

How To Use React Native Flatlist [Guide]

How many apps have you seen that come with lists in them? That may be To-Do Apps, Apps with notes, Email Apps, social Apps with lists of contacts, users, news, some highly specialized apps for the financial sphere with stock prices and real estate worth value, and so on.

by Alexander Rubanau • 12 min read

React Native vs. Ionic: What Cross-Platform Framework is the Best?

Ionic vs. React Native: which framework is better for mobile development? Compare two cross-platform frameworks now!

by Alexander Rubanau • 10 min read

React Native vs. Flutter: The Key Differences Every Mobile App Developer Should Know [Guide for Beginners]

Flutter vs react native is not just a hot topic for discussion, but a real throwdown. Learn more here!

by Katarina Harbuzava • 15 min read