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Guides Articles on Flatlogic Blog

These are our guides on topics like web development, mobile app development, and UI/UX design

7 Top Tips for Successful Software Product Marketing

As the creator of your software product, you will know its features better than anyone else. But looking at it as your project is not the same as seeing it as a marketable product. You need to know its marketable features and user benefits, as well as any weaknesses to work on later down the line.

by Alina Kisliuk • 5 min read

How to Build a User Management App?

User management refers to the skill of efficiently controlling access to your program based on roles, hierarchies, and organizational requirements.

by Artsiom Baranouski • 5 min read

How To Write The Software Development Project Brief

Software development is as in-demand as it could possibly be today. Big and small companies alike (and even independent entrepreneurs) are regularly hiring software developers to create programs, applications, and various online tools. But just like with anything else, software development requires proper planning to create a product successfully. Hence, here’s why you need a software development project brief and how you can write one yourself.

by Frank Hamilton • 7 min read

What is Docker and Why Use it?

Docker is a container platform that lets you generate, control, and deploy applications. This article details how you can use Docker in your web development

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

How to Build an IoT Dashboard [Guideline]

Learn about the types of IoT dashboards you can develop to analyze data from IoT devices.

by Philip Daineka • 18 min read

Top Mistakes JavaScript Developers Make

Since JavaScript is the basis of any web application, we are not going to discuss JS benefits or a list of JS possibilities. Instead, we will show you some typical mistakes that almost every JS programmer has made during his career.

by Nastassia Ovchinnikova • 15 min read

What is Node.js? Multi-Threading and Multiple Process in Node.js

Due to the non-blocking nature of Node.js, different threads execute different callbacks that are first delegated to the event loop. NodeJS runtime is responsible for handling all of this.

by Nastassia Ovchinnikova • 7 min read

17+ Articles of September 2019 to Learn JavaScript

Here is our list of JS articles of 2019. We collected 17 posts with tricks and tips in JavaScript and its frameworks.

by Nastassia Ovchinnikova • 5 min read

Writing Documentation for Your JavaScript Project

This may seem obvious but, if your code is not documented, then the only way to learn what it does is to reverse engineer it. Would you do that yourself? Let’s consider the extreme opposite and imagine if React, for example, had no documentation.

by Philip Daineka • 5 min read