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Philip Articles on Our Blog

Philip Daineka

CEO at Flatlogic

Computer Science degree from Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio- electronics. Oracle Certified Java Professional. Since 2014 managed and led over 100 projects of Flatlogic clients.

Best 14+ Bootstrap Open Source Projects

We continue our series of articles with the best open source projects for building web applications. In this article we present best bootstrap open source projects.

by Philip Daineka • 19 min read

How to Build an IoT Dashboard [Guideline]

Learn about the types of IoT dashboards you can develop to analyze data from IoT devices.

by Philip Daineka • 18 min read

Top 7 Material Design Dashboards to Use in 2022

In this article, we have provided you top Material Design Dashboard. These material dashboard templates built by the best companies on the market following material design guidelines.

by Philip Daineka • 4 min read

JavaScript UI Frameworks and Libraries for Web Development

Instead of developing the Javascript UI Components manually you can use external UI component libraries, which are efficient, responsive and easy to use.

by Philip Daineka • 9 min read

Writing Documentation for Your JavaScript Project

This may seem obvious but, if your code is not documented, then the only way to learn what it does is to reverse engineer it. Would you do that yourself? Let’s consider the extreme opposite and imagine if React, for example, had no documentation.

by Philip Daineka • 5 min read

From selling admin templates on a marketplace to creating our own platform. A story of Flatlogic

A few days ago we have launched a web store on flatlogic.com to sell our admin dashboard templates directly to our customers. Till recently we sold more than 8000 licenses...

by Philip Daineka • 13 min read

Clutch Recognizes Flatlogic as a Leading AI & Web Developer

At Flatlogic, we offer a wide range of web and mobile development services that are suited to fit your business needs. We love creating products that inspire awe and confidence...

by Philip Daineka • 5 min read

React Native for Mobile is the Same as Bootstrap for Web

There is an entire market of web templates both free and premium. You must already know about it from websites like ThemeForest and Wrapbootstrap. There are also lots of free...

by Philip Daineka • 5 min read