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Link Form to Sing App React

Crystaline Solutions

I have access to both Front End and Back End code. But the form demonstration that was given while purchasing User Management Backend, isn't the same. I am not able to link the User Management Page in Sing App React with Backend Database.

Can you please help me with it? If possible, can you please provide a tutorial for setting up the form utility?


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Eugene Stepnov


Can you please add more details on this? You have bought Sing App React with backend and trying to connect front end and back-end parts? Correct me if I am wrong.

Best, Eugene

Crystaline Solutions

Yes, I am trying to connect Backend and Frontend parts. While purchasing, we were shown a fully working User Template Backend with Form CRUD functionalities. But after I opened and tried connecting but wasn't able to connect and Form CRUD functionalities don't work.

Also, the Form action of User Template Backend isn't there too.

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Can you please add more on this:

But after I opened and tried connecting but wasn't able to connect and Form CRUD functionalities don't work.

Best, Eugene

Crystaline Solutions

First of all, I am not able to perform API calls via Backend template. Second of all, when I tried using form functionalities (in the UI) in Sing App React, it didn't work; obviously because I am not able to connect backend with frontend.

Also if possible can we please connect on some other app like google chat where I can get somewhat faster responses?

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Can you please send us detailed information at [email protected]. - Your environment; - What you have been trying to do; - What outcome do you expect';

Best, Eugene