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React Templates

This topic contains questions and answers related to React Templates - Admin templates built with the latest version of React. If you have trouble launching the project or have general questions feel free to post them here - this is the fastest way to receive a response.

Trouble Deploying

Hey, I am having trouble deploying this app. Typically in a React App I hook it up to AWS Amplify or Netlify through git, but this app keeps failing when I do it. Is there a better process for ...

React Template Dependencies

In the flat login sing app template I found that few library are deprecated or no longer support with latest version of NodeJS ( 14v ) , this may cause severe security issue below are the few libr...

Whats the difference between the Seed and Full Download ?

The code structure and code syntax seem to be different with both the Seed and Full version of downloads ? Observed a very poor documentation for the React Material Admin Template. Is there a mo...

With Backend

Hello, I bought the Light Blue template (developer and backend option). When I follow the README.md from the backend I get this error: `$ yarn reset` `yarn run v1.22.10` `$ cross-env n...

With Backend

Hi, I would like to use REACT HOOKs (useSelector, useStore, ...). But I get an error. `Error: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This coul...

import style files

I want to start a new project with "create-react-app" command, how can I import all style files (sass, static files..) to have right UI

Get it to work on IIS

So. I purchased the template and I have set the files into my IIS web directory. I am running IIS 10 on windows server 2019. I get the dashboard page to load, except for no map, no dropdown arrows ...

Typescript Version

Great Work. All flat logic templates are awesome. Typescript version is available??

Node Sass Problem

I purchased the Sing app React template but I'm unable to run it, I get the following error: ./src/styles/theme.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-5-1!./node_modules/pos...