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Not able to perform http requests through template

Crystaline Solutions

Every time I try to Execute through the template, I get unauthorized error even though I am already authorized. I have already installed the PostgreSQL DB as per the documentation. The authorization operations as well as user and product management operations don't work too.

It would be nice if you can provide with some help for the same.

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Alexey Vertsel

Hi! Let me try to help you out. Can we clarify which steps you were able to accomplish? You say that you are in authorised state, does this mean that you were able to run the React frontend, enter your creds and login into the dashboard?

Crystaline Solutions

No, By saying that I am authorized I mean that in the backend template I am able to authorize and perform /api/auth/signin/local request. But while performing any other requests after that, I get Unauthorized error.

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Alexey Vertsel

In order to understand your issues, I would need a step-by-step description of your actions. Could you please provide that?

Crystaline Solutions

Yes. I first of all installed all dependencies. Installed Postgres database, Created Postgres user. Then through npm start started the service.

Then Authorized through the UI.

Then tried performing the API requests.

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Are you sending API calls via Postman or via UI?

Crystaline Solutions

I tried sending from both but didn't work.

Also if possible can we please connect on some other app like google chat where I can get somewhat faster responses?

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Can you please send us detailed information at [email protected]. - Your environment; - What you have been trying to do; - What outcome do you expect';

Best, Eugene