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Vue Articles on Flatlogic Blog

6 Ways to Optimize the Performance of Vue.js Applications

Discover 6 ways to optimize the performance of the Vue app, from hiring an experienced developer to guide you along, to building projects from scratch.

by Gary Espinosa • 5 min read

10+ Best Vue Starter Kits and Boilerplates

Boilerplates provide a great way to get a project up and running rapidly by focusing on what's most important to you. Boilerplates combined with reusable components accelerate development processes and, often, improve the code and simplify maintenance.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

Top Tools every Software Developer should know in 2023

We’ll go through a list of top software development tools in 2023 that can be used to boost the professional performance of the software development team.

by Kibo Hutchinson • 5 min read

Vue Material Admin Update

Flatlogic have released the new versin of Vue Material Admin based on Vuetify. Now all the dependencies are up-to-date!

by Eugene Stepnov • 5 min read

React vs Vue: What to Choose in 2024?

React and Vue are breaking all the records regarding the amount of installations and popularity. But who is the winner? Read our new guest article on React vs Vue in 2023.

by Harikrishna Kundariya • 5 min read

What is Vue?

One of our favorite JS frameworks, known as Vue, won the hearts of thousands developers worldwide. 200k stars on GitHub.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

How to Build a Vue Application? [Learn the Ropes!]

Vue.js is a front-end framework often used in web applications of small and medium scale but perfectly valid for large-scale projects, too. In this article we're explaining how to create a Vue app by hand and what other routes you can take if you need a Vue application.

by Alexander Naumovich • 15 min read

What is CRUD? CRUD Operations Explained

This article is about what is CRUD and how to create basic CRUD app.

by Philip Daineka • 15 min read

Top 10 Vue Templates to Choose from in 2024 | Update

A compilation of the best Vue templates carefully picked by Flatlogic. Vue is one of the leading JavaScript frameworks according to the stateofjs. Learn more about its advantages here.

by Alexander Rubanau • 17 min read