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React vs Angular Articles on Flatlogic Blog

Comparing React and Angular in terms of their capabilities, use cases, and developer preferences.

Is React a Framework? Interview with Software Engineers [FAQ]

In this article we will think about React as a framework with Flatlogic's team.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

React vs Vue: What to Choose in 2024?

React and Vue are breaking all the records regarding the amount of installations and popularity. But who is the winner? Read our new guest article on React vs Vue in 2023.

by Harikrishna Kundariya • 5 min read

React vs. Angular: The Diff Between Library & Framework [Comparison Guide]

The factual difference between React and Angular is expalined. Let’s highlight all the pros and cons of each technology.

by Alexander Rubanau • 17 min read

Vue JS vs React: What is Trending? [Detailed Guide]

Vue vs. React comparison guide, framework vs. library? We've weighed up all the pros and cons. Check it out!

by Katarina Harbuzava • 15 min read

Best 15 Free React Drag and Drop Libraries to Set Up

The drag and drop module lets you transfer the items between drag handlers, tables and lists, touch devices, animations, previews, and placeholders, thus resolving the simple but still integral step that allows you to ‘take an object’ and drag it to another location.

by Katarina Harbuzava • 7 min read

Best 7+ Open Source React Navbars – Pitfalls & Things to Consider

Dive into the depths of React navigation with insights that could revolutionize your web development process—making it crucial for every developer to read till the last word. Have you ever...

by Alexander Rubanau • 5 min read

React.js vs. React Native. What are the Key Differences and Advantages?

React and React Native are two open-sourced technologies for building user interfaces. They both were developed by Facebook and gained great recognition among frontend developers.

by Alexander Rubanau • 18 min read