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React Hooks Articles on Flatlogic Blog

Exploring the usage, benefits, and best practices of React Hooks in modern web development.

How To Use React Native Flatlist [Guide]

How many apps have you seen that come with lists in them? That may be To-Do Apps, Apps with notes, Email Apps, social Apps with lists of contacts, users, news, some highly specialized apps for the financial sphere with stock prices and real estate worth value, and so on.

by Alexander Rubanau β€’ 12 min read

What is The Difference Between State and Props in React?

Learning React starts with several concepts developers run into –  JSX syntax, props, and state. State is a familiar concept for developers, while JSX syntax and props confuse new people...

by Artem Kardash β€’ 5 min read

20+ Articles of September To Learn JavaScript

JavaScript articles to learn JavaScript each month to improve your knowledge and skills.

by Nastassia Ovchinnikova β€’ 15 min read

Flatlogic One React Admin Dashboard Template Full is Released!

We released Flatlogic One React Admin template! This template was made with React 16 and Redux. It uses typography and icons created by Flatlogic, and has integrated Google maps and...

by Nastassia Ovchinnikova β€’ 5 min read