Originally a premium product priced at $99+, made available for free in January 2025! 🎉
Flatlogic One is a completely new product made with Bootstrap 4.5. The template is very suitable for building analytics and data tables applications. Flatlogic One admin dashboard delivers customizable Bootstrap components for creating modern responsive web applications. The template made with 4 themes: Orange, Red, Green, and Blue. The navigation is on the left sidebar and the main content is at the center-right panel. With this template, you receive a complete solution for your web application. No need to design, setup, and develop a new application. All components are already developed by the team of experienced engineers, product owners, and designers.
- Static Sidebar
- Beautiful charts made with Amcharts, Echarts and Apexcharts
- Fully responsive
- Bootstrap 4.5+ & SCSS
- Login and Logout screens
- Notifications & Icons
- Flatlogic Typography
- Flatlogic Icons
- Google Maps Integrated
- Datatables made by Flatlogic

UI Elements
- Badge
- Card
- Carousel
- Jumbotron
- List Groups
- Modal
- Navs
- Navbar
- Pagination
- Popovers & Tooltips
- Progress
- Tabs & Accordion
- Outline Buttons
- Rounded Buttons
- Block Buttons
- Disabled Buttons
- Button Groups
- Button Dropdowns
- Button Checkboxes
- Button Radios
- Buttons with Icons