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Data Visualization Articles on Flatlogic Blog

Exploring various ways to visualize data, including list, card, and calendar views, to enhance user experience and data comprehension.

New View Types For Data Representation: List, Card, and Calendar

Users can now choose how their data is displayed on the screen, making the user interface even more seamless and flexible.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

Best 19+ JavaScript Chart Libraries to Use in 2024

JavaScript chart libraries are an integral part of creating a web application. Chart libraries are used for presenting data effectively.

by Eugene Stepnov • 15 min read

10 KPI Templates and Dashboards for Tracking KPI’s

KPIs or Key Performance Indicators are a modern instrument to make a system (business, for example) work effectively. KPIs show how successful the business is, or how professional the employee...

by Nastassia Ovchinnikova • 12 min read

12 JavaScript Image Manipulation Libraries for Your Next Web App

An Image Manipulation Library or IML is a tool that’s main goal is to help you systemize, organize and manipulate graphic elements of your app in different ways. Different Image Manipulation Libraries typically serve different purposes.

by Alexander Rubanau • 8 min read

JavaScript Tabs: Save Space! Examples of Tabbed Widgets

A tab is a single content area/component of a site design system (also called a tabbed widget) with multiple panels, each linked to a title/header in the list. Tabs may vary in size and shape, and they make the website page more structured and easier to grasp.

by Katarina Harbuzava • 12 min read

Top 30 Open Source and Paid React Charts + Examples

Representing your data in the form of charts is a great way to convey information to users. But the visualization of charts must be beautiful and insightful to users. The modern design of apps has gone far beyond the standard flat visualization that was a decade ago.

by Alexander Rubanau • 17 min read

Using HTML and JavaScript to Manipulate Videos

Videos offer an efficient and engaging method of conveying information as well as providing entertainment and visual aids. Subsequently, they are being used increasingly more by organizations and individuals for...

by Michael Daineka • 5 min read

Top 5 Ways to Visualize Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter Score is a way to measure if customers like your company or product. It lets them rate you on a 1-10 scale of how likely you would be to recommend it to a friend. 0-6 are detractors 7-8 are passives and 9-10 are promoters. Detractors count as -1, passives are 0, and promoters are +1. You add the ratings together and then divide by the total number of ratings. You then multiply the number by 100.

by Nastassia Ovchinnikova • 5 min read

Building Analytics React Dashboard with Cube.js

Imagine that you need to develop a web application from scratch to monitor and analyze raw data. For example, you own an average size online store. You are not satisfied...

by Nastassia Ovchinnikova • 10 min read