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Bootstrap 4 Admin Articles on Flatlogic Blog

Exploring features, benefits, and use cases of Bootstrap 4 admin templates for creating comprehensive admin panels.

Best 13+ Date Picker Examples for Bootstrap

Date pickers are graphical widgets that allow users to pick single/range date, time. Date pickers are commonly used in various types of registration forms when you need to fill out the date of your birth.

by Nastassia Ovchinnikova • 12 min read

Bootstrap Table Guide and Best Bootstrap Table Examples

Tables are an important part of any web application’s life. Tables organize and present content in a way that’s easy for readers to quickly scan and absorb large amounts of data. We can say that tables are the foundation of a modern web application.

by Eugene Stepnov • 21 min read

Flatlogic One Bootstrap Admin Template is Released

To create this dashboard template, we used a popular front-end toolkit – Bootstrap. It contains customizable components, operating them you will easily construct your web-application.

by Nastassia Ovchinnikova • 5 min read

12 Best Bootstrap Progress Bar Widgets

Progress bar is a visual element of the user interface that serves two purposes: to show users that the program performs some actions so you should wait until it finishes, and the second is to display the progression in something (for example, what percentage of the file is uploaded).

by Nastassia Ovchinnikova • 11 min read

Light Blue HTML5 Admin Template Update

We have updated Light Blue HTML5! As some readers probably know the frequency of updates is one of the most important criteria of admin template evaluation. We have lots of...

by Nastassia Ovchinnikova • 5 min read