React Components Articles on Flatlogic Blog

Exploring the different types of React components, including class and function components, and their usage in building reusable UI elements.

What is React?

React is a JavaScript library often credited for its scalability and simple, strict logic. In this article we're detailing the pros, the cons, and the best practices of React development.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

Top 12+ React Datepickers to Use in 2024

Here is a full React datepicker review for web developers. Check out our range and pick your date or time picker here.

by Katarina Harbuzava • 10 min read

6 Reasons to Use ReactJS for Web Development

Introduction If you’re into web development, there are small chances you haven’t come across ReactJS. Although it is not a typical framework, it offers various coding possibilities, which gained its...

by Dmytro • 12 min read

What is The Difference Between State and Props in React?

Learning React starts with several concepts developers run into –  JSX syntax, props, and state. State is a familiar concept for developers, while JSX syntax and props confuse new people...

by Artem Kardash • 5 min read