Custom ERP Benefits Articles on Flatlogic Blog

Exploring the various benefits of implementing a custom ERP system for businesses, including scalability, efficiency, and improved customer satisfaction.

Streamline Your Business with Custom ERP: Step-by-Step Guide

Starting a business is challenging and becomes increasingly complex, necessitating custom ERP software for support.

by Gary Espinosa • 15 min read

4 Main Pillars Of CRM Systems [Comprehensive Review]

Uncover the main 4 pillars of CRM systems for effective customer management and enhanced business performance.

by Alesia Sirotka • 20 min read

Custom ERP System: Key Considerations & Best Practices

Discover the possibilities of building a custom ERP system tailored to your business needs. Uncover the necessary actions to create a distinctive ERP solution.

by Stefan Jovanovic • 15 min read

5+ Main Components of an ERP System

The components of an ERP system are based on the building blocks of bricks. Depending on the size and needs of a company, the quantity of these components may vary.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

Custom ERP System: Benefits, Requirements & Cost of Development

Custom ERP system is designed around the unique requirements of a particular business and offers a complete solution that unifies all of the business operations into a single platform.

by Alesia Sirotka • 5 min read

ERP vs. CRM: Interesting facts I bet you never knew about

ERP and custom CRM software are widely used, capable of operating on various platforms, and occasionally utilized in tandem for a single firm. Depending on the need, a small number of businesses can combine these two software platforms on a single platform. Because of this, many of them only have a hazy understanding of CRM and ERP and sometimes need clarification on the two.

by Alina Kisliuk • 5 min read

How to Build Your ERP System in Minutes

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are the perfect tools to help you do just that. With an ERP system, you can manage various tasks, including financial management, supply chain management, project management, and customer relationship management.

by Alesia Sirotka • 25 min read

How To Build a Fabulous CRM System on A Tight Budget in 2023

Because they are often free to use and modify, open-source CRM projects can be a cost-effective option for businesses. They may, however, necessitate a significant amount of technical expertise and resources to set up and maintain. However, CRM systems can be expensive, which can be a barrier for small businesses and startups with limited budgets.

by Alina Kisliuk • 5 min read