Three days only we give a 50% discount to all templates. Use our promo code FLATLOGIC_EASTER. We suggest that you recall some of our best selling products and unique templates.

Please note that the offer expires April 7th at midnight.

React Material-UI Admin & Dashboard Template

  • Three color themes!
  • Material UI
  • Fully Documented Codebase

Flatlogic One React Template

  • Flatlogic Typography & Icons
  • Google Maps Integrated
  • Beautiful charts made with Amcharts, Echarts and Apexcharts
admin template Flatlogic one

Angular Material Admin .NET Core

  • E-Commerce Section
  • Static & Hover Sidebar
  • No jQuery and Bootstrap
  • .NET Core 3 & MS SQL Server integrated
admin template with material design
2024 Research

Light Blue React

  • Over 30 unique pages
  • Deep background
  • 8 Chart Libraries
Light Blue admin template

Sing App Vue Node.js

  • Tens of Pages
  • No jQuery!
  • Node.js & PostgreSQL integrated
Sing App admin template

Vue Material Template Node.js

  • Based on Vuetify
  • Vue Router
  • Various Charts Libraries including Highcharts
  • User Management
admin template made with Vue

React Native Starter

  • Mobile Application Template
  • Modular architecture
  • 6 Color Themes
  • Simple customization (using themes and plop generator)
react native starter

React Bundle

  • 10 premium templates
  • 1,000 unique components
  • more than 300 pages
a set of react admin templates

Bookkeeper – React Accounting Template

  • Full Authentication Implementation
  • Registration with email/password/name
  • Node.js & PostgreSQL integrated
react accounting system template

User Management React

  • Full Authentication Implementation
  • Change password for all users
  • Node.js & PostgreSQL integrated
user management react template

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