Web & Mobile Templates
for Business Software

Over 25,000 businesses worldwide chose our Vue, Angular, React and React Native templates to build their web & mobile business applications, SAAS and E-Commerce platforms faster. All our templates are built with Flatlogic Platform. Create your own business software

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React, VueJS, Angular and Bootstrap Templates

React Material-UI Admin & Dashboard Template downloads 49

React Admin Dashboard Template downloads 1000

React Template based on Bootstrap and Material-UI downloads 30

React admin template and theme with hundreds of components and pages downloads 16

React Admin Dashboard Template downloads 1662

React Admin Dashboard Template with Node.JS Backend downloads 34

React Template based on Bootstrap and Material-UI with Node.js Backend downloads 28

React Material UI Admin with Node.JS Backend downloads 24

React Admin Dashboard Template with Node.JS Backend downloads 22

Ready-to-use accounting software to do bookkeeping built as a React template downloads 32

React Admin Dashboard Template with Java Backend downloads 21

Ready-to-use User and Role Management Template built with React downloads 7

React admin template with NodeJS backend downloads 1005

Free and Open-source React Admin Dashboard Template downloads 9322