Now we have a collection of Vue.js admin templates and themes. The whole package costs $299. It includes 6 admin templates and more than 700 components. Also, it has admin dashboard templates with material design.
All in all, you can see three main designs in this bundle. Sing App, Light Blue, and Vue Material Template.
You can use these admin dashboards to build an admin area of CRM system, financial dashboards, web app with a product management functionality, and many more.
Why choose Vue.js?
More and more people are switching to Vue, and we doubt this trend will end soon. It is still nowhere near as accepted as React (at least outside of China) and is constantly struggling for second place with Angular.
With the most active growth dynamics, Vue is the third most popular JS framework in the world.
The number of Vue downloads is gradually increasing. Vue has high speed, low barriers to entry, and concise structure as its main advantages. React.js is a powerful and wonderful tool, however, you can hardly find at least two similarly structured projects built with this framework.
More about the structure of Vue projects

Yes, the developer can quite flexibly define the architecture and approaches to writing applications, but is it always good? Vue allows you to avoid confusion when, for example, you sit down on a new project. Pretty much everything in Vue has its custom syntax with a lot of boilerplates.
Choosing new frameworks and libraries is exciting but also stressful. Even after some research, you never know what surprises you will find.
Therefore, the simplicity and conciseness of the Vue toolkit are so catchy, it takes on a lot, giving the most comfortable work, while not sagging in performance.
Vue has the necessary set of tools to build complex applications. The first tool every developer comes across is Vue-cli. This tool, which allows you to quickly deploy a project with a console utility, is a mandatory part of every framework. Quasar Framework, NativeScript, Weex allow you to create a native mobile application. Onsen UI is used for hybrid ones. Such solutions for mobile applications have not yet gained sufficient popularity, but the very fact of their existence already speaks a lot about the competitiveness of this framework. Vue also has an alternative to Redux called Vuex. Well, Vue-router, used to work with application routing, together with CLI and Vuex, allows you to create applications of any complexity. This progressive adaptability makes it possible to completely replace jQuery.
In conclusion. After all, what are the distinctive features of Vue?
- Minimalism
- Intuitiveness
- Flexibility
- Speed of work
- An actively developing infrastructure