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All Themes / React Native / React Native Starter

React Native Starter Mobile Application Template built with React Native

4.73 out of 5 ( 23 Reviews )



  • Update dependencies


Updated React Native to 0.73.1

Updated packages

  • react-native: 0.71.10 -> 0.73.1
  • react-native-reanimated: 2.2.4 -> 1.13.4
  • react-native-screens: 3.20.0 -> 3.29.0
  • babel-jest: 29.2.1 -> 29.6.3
  • jest: 29.2.1 -> 29.6.3
  • prettier: 2.4.1 -> 2.8.8
  • @react-native/eslint-config: 0.72.2 -> 0.73.1
  • @react-native/metro-config: 0.72.6 -> 0.73.2

Added packages

  • @react-native/babel-preset: 0.73.18
  • @react-native/typescript-config: 0.73.1
  • @types/react: 18.2.6


  • Fix theme style


  • Updated React Native to 0.71.10
  • Update core React Native libs
  • Update dependencies


  • Updated React Native to 0.64.1
  • Update core React Native libs


  • Assets appearance on IOS.
  • Pods/Grandle installing.


New Features

  • Bottom Navigation component
  • Avatar component
  • Bottom Group component
  • Button component
  • Card component
  • Calendar component
  • Drawer component
  • Checkbox component
  • Icon component
  • Input component
  • Layout component
  • List component
  • Menu component
  • Modal component
  • Overflow Menu component
  • Popover component
  • Range Calendar component
  • Select component
  • Tab View component
  • Spinner component
  • Toggle component
  • Text component
  • Top Navigation component
  • Tooltip component
  • Badges component
  • Implement Blog

### Updated - Update core React Native libs


Updated React-Native version


Added Blog page, and single post view, connected to wp rest API


Added dynamic color variable for the drawer, updated themes.


Added brand new Drawer navigation, updated react-navigation.


Added new modern charts, updated libraries, updated legacy lifecycle methods.


General project and dependencies QA


Bug fixes and libraries update.


It's a huge update that doesn't have a backward compability with the 1.x version because we totally rebuilt the RNS from the ground.

New Features

  • Removed Expo and transitioned to native projects, because of lots of restrictions that expo adds to your projects.
  • Added Plop generator for easy deveopment.
  • Added support for unit testing with Jest and Enzyme.
  • Added support for e2e testing with Detox.
  • New modular architecture that will help you speed up the applications development.
  • Lots of performance improvements in comparison with v1.0.0
  • Removed eslint styling rules in favour of prettier.
  • Added new documentation at https://docs.reactnativestarter.com/
  • CI/CD compatibale project
  • Lots of new fixes and improvements



  • Navigation header issue


  • Updated React Navigation to version 3.0.0
  • Updated all the libraries to latest versions
  • Added Prettier


A license grants you a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use and incorporate the item in your personal or commercial projects.

If your end product including an item is going to be free to the end user then a Personal License is what you need. If you want to build multiple applications either for you or your client then you need to buy multiple licenses. An Developer License is required if the end user must pay to use the end product or paid services or goods are delivered via your application.

License Type Personal Developer
Number of end products 1 1
Use in a single end product
Use in a multiple end products
Use in a free end product
(More than one end user allowed)
Use in an end product that's sold
(An ability to have multiple paying users)

Personal Application License

Your use of the item is restricted to a single application. You may use the item in work which you are creating for your own purposes or for your client. You must not incorporate the item in a work which is created for redistribution or resale by you or your client. The item may not be redistributed or resold. You may not charge users for using your application.

Developer Application License

Your use of the item is restricted to a single application. You may use the item in work which you are creating for your own purposes or for your clients. You are licensed to use the Item to create one single End Product for yourself or for one client (a “single application”), and the End Product may be Sold and users may be charged for using it (e.g. you are building a SAAS application).

In case if you need any clarifications considering licenses feel free to contact us via email: [email protected] or raise your question in our forum - it is more likely to receive an immediate response.

The following measures will help to ensure that your download link is successfully delivered to you.

Make sure your email address is correct and up-to-date

If registered using your Github account, be sure that the email address associated with your account is correct, up-to-date, and is able to receive emails.

Add [email protected] email address to your address book

Sometimes email servers and clients incorrectly mark an email as 'spam' or 'junk mail'. In order to ensure that your download is delivered without being marked as spam or junk mail, add [email protected] to your desktop or web-based email client's address book.

Follow purchases through to the order confirmation page

At the end of the purchase process you will go to an order confirmation page. You will be able to download the template from the order confirmation page.

The fastest and easiest way to receive help is to raise your question in our support forum. It is constantly monitored and is more likely to be processed immediately.

Before raising a question please make sure you have updated npm, yarn and node to the recent versions and try to launch your project again.

However, if you have purchased our item and need a private support please write an email to [email protected]. This email and forum are the only ways to receive support with a guarantee. Other emails and channels of communication are not monitored by our support team.

If the order is not attached to your account, go to the download resender tool and enter the email address used at checkout. The email address entered must be the exact email address used at checkout.

Note: Buyers registered with PayPal may have more than one email address associated with their PayPal accounts.

In order to request invoices for your purchases please contact us via email [email protected] and provide your bill-to information.

In order to be applicable for a refund you have 24 hours to inspect your purchase and to determine if it does not meet with the expectations laid forth by Flatlogic.

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