Today we have great news! We released free Vuetify admin dashboard template.
Don’t forget to check out the demo!
- Highcharts built-in
- Vue Router
- Notifications & Icons
- Sass and Vuex inside
Vuetify is a UI library for Vue.js that helps in building reach web applications. It was created by John Leider in 2016. Nowadays, Vuetify is considered to be one of the most popular Vue.js libraries.
This library is notable for its ready-to-use quality components. Vuetify is created following a Google design language – Material Design. The goal of this design language is to make the user interface as easy and intuitive as possible.
Also, Vuetify has automatic tree shaking, so you don’t have to remove a dead code manually. This is a cool feature. You will not find it in Element UI, BootstrapVue, or Buefy.
Vuetify is fully accessible, it is developed according to Section 508. This section prescribes that all technologies should be created accessible to people with disabilities. For instance, the user should be able to navigate a form using only the keyboard instead of a mouth.
Due to a consistent life cycle, bugs are fixed on time, and enhancements are presented quite often.

Vuetify provides Long-Term Support (LTS). Unlike Short-Term Support (STS), LTS is maintained for a longer time. Concerning Vuetify, LTS lasts for 12 months after a new major release. By the way, if a developer needs professional support consulting, it’s possible to get a consultation directly from John Leider or a Core team representative.
Furthermore, Vuetify is compatible with all modern browsers.
Our Flatlogic team was excited about working with something new. We have used Vuetify to develop our new template – Vue Material Admin Template. This template is created with a Vue.js 2.6 and Material UI, without jQuery and Bootstrap. You can enjoy working with amazing charts due to corresponding libraries. Graphic designers will certainly appreciate that we have included sketch files – the design of a web app goes a level higher. This admin template applies to different types of devices, for instance, laptops, tablets, smartphones. Like all our templates, Vue Material Admin Template is equipped with a documented codebase.