Hey JavaScripters! Here is our list of great articles, guides, posts, etc. In this post, you will find articles about performance, Redux, APIs, Hooks, and many other useful resources to learn JavaScript.
5 Tips to Improve the Performance of Your React Apps
by @alligatorio
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React: Hooks vs. Render Props vs. Higher-Order Components
by @bettercodingacademy
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The Complete Guide to Status Codes for Meaningful ReST APIs
by @_StaticVoid
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Declarative internet shopping with Payment Request API and Angular
by inDepth Dev
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Faster Deployment β AWS Lambda Hot Deploy with Parcel
by @JamesJessian
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How I made a 3D game in only 2KB of JavaScript
by @KilledByAPixel
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Becoming a Git pro. Part 1: internal Git architecture
by inDepth Dev
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Build A Javascript Single Page Application Without A Framework
by TechBoxWeb
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Demystifying SSR, CSR, universal and static rendering with animations
by @FranckAbgrall
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