And we have another update! Today we have a new release of the Sing App Angular admin dashboard. We always need to keep Angular Builder and Angular CLI dependencies up to date. So today we decided to share with you some thoughts about the frequency and the importance of updates.

Let’s face it, most developers update dependencies once in a few months because it is a very dull process, and there is no gratification as in the release of a new product.
The only reason anyone would do this, especially when there is no security vulnerability of any kind, is just because of the performance issues. The best way to deal with the project when it has several dependencies is in small batches, even with a strong test suite.

You need to avoid whenever possible versions conflicts or you will end up with an up-to-date library, database, plugin, cache storage, and an app that is completely not functioning. Even though it was working for many years before.
Those who are interested in Angular itself may remember that CLI Builders API was made public only with Angular 8. This little change actually created lots of possibilities for developers. It is possible now to create your custom builder. And you don’t have to eject every time the web pack config. That is right! From now out you can just forget about the web pack configuration process. As you probably already guessed lots of developers already created their builders. So you might want to check out this page to see if you can find the one you need. And if you decide eventually that you need your out custom builder the easiest way is to use the sample project.
About Flatlogic
Flatlogic develops and sells Javascript (React, Angular, Vue, Node.js) admin templates that help to develop web applications for your business. We have more than 10000 customers such as Samsung, Apple, and others that use our products in different applications. Please check out our products and we will be happy to receive feedback from you.