Today we are going to provide you with excellent articles to learn Javascript! Enjoy fresh ideas, tips, and tricks from the JavaScript world. If you want to add an article to this list just comment on this post on Twitter.

Mocking React hooks when unit testing using Jest

by @richardkotze

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Pros & Cons of Local Persistence Strategies for React-Native Apps

by Jolanta

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React Native Memory profiling (JSC vs V8 vs Hermes)

2024 Research

by Bhaskar Gyan Vardhan

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Top React Native UI Component Kits

by @flatlogic

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How to write correctly typed React components with TypeScript

by @BorrelliDev

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How to build an Angular 8 application with API request in 10 minutes?

by @radekfabisiak

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9 Extremely Powerful JavaScript Hacks

by @razgandeanu

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Clean Code Applied to JavaScript — Part III. Functions

by @Carlillo

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Creating Trello’s UI With CSS Grid

by Joshua Saunders

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Why Should We Stop Using Objects As Maps in JavaScript?

by @AuMayeung

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Angular Application With Loaders

by Pagis

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Better Unit Testing (Part 2)

by Dhananjay Trivedi

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Setting Up a Logging Infrastructure in Nodejs

by @ADhasmana

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A Recap of Frontend Development in 2019

by @TreyHuffine

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Building a Telegram Bot with Node.js

by Godson Obielum

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JavaScript design patterns #3. The Facade pattern and applying it to React Hooks

by @wanago_io

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