How to use authorization in Postman

To use authorization in Postman first go to the Postman app, and in the new tab make a new Request. First, choose the method of the Request as POST.

Then paste the copied URL of your application generated on Flatlogic Platform near the POST method field.

And add to this URL /api/auth/signin/local – this is the path to this query from your application API docs.

Next, go to the Body tab and choose raw and on the type JSON, enter the next code and click on the blue button Send:

{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "password" }

Afterwards, in down fields, you will see the Response which in the next steps we will need to copy and paste as Token.

Next, go to the new tab and make a new GET method and pate there: URL of your application with /api/auth/me.

Afterwards, go to the Authorization tab and select Bearer Token as Type.

And paste the Token which you copy on the previous tab as Response and click on the Send button.

Congratulations, you are authorized!

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